Project Description

3shape Trios Color Cart



Up to 1000 3D pictures for true geometries:

Combining hundreds or thousands of 3D pictures to create the final 3D digital impression based on real data rather than interpolated artificial surfaces.

Modern easy-to-use touch screen:

Smart-Touch screen provides full control without cumbersome trackball, or mouse operation.

Scanning has never been easier:

Easily move along the teeth as the scanner captures the impression in real time. No need to hold the scanner at a specific distance or angle for focus.

Live 3D Visualization:

View the digital impression being built on your PC's screen during scanning.

Integrated Training Center & Remote Support:

Update your skills with latest videos, and tutorials. Connect directly to TRIOS® support experts while sharing your screen

Flexible connectivity with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth:

Move the cart anywhere in the clinic while staying online. Connect to 3rd party devices such as wireless keyboards or cameras.